Saturday, 17 March 2007


At least 9 out of 10 residents in Pollok stand to gain from SNP proposals to abolish the unfair, regressive, Council Tax, and replace it with a Local Income Tax based on the ability to pay.

Here's how the SNP proposals could affect you;

(1) A single person currently earning £15,000, currently paying Council Tax of around £607, would pay£299 under the Local Income Tax.

(2) A single person currently earning £24, 755, and currently paying Council Tax of around £910 would pay £592 under the Local Income Tax.

(3) A family with 1 full time worker and one part time worker whose total income would be £32,000 a year, currently paying Council Tax of £1213, would pay £672 under SNP proposals.

(4) A joint household of say a nurse and police officer on a combined income of £44,000 a year, currently paying a Council Tax of say £1213 would pay £1017.

With the average income of Pollok lower than the Scottish by some £5,000, residents in Pollok stand to gain by moving local taxation to a fairer system.

Only a vote for the SNP on May 3rd will see fair, local taxes for Pollok.

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