Thursday, 22 March 2007


Today i was joined by Alyn Smith MEP on the campaign trail. After some canvassing - which went well, we met local community activist and anti poverty campaigner Anne Marie Smith, who took us around the Constituency pointing out the lack of community facilities, due to them either having been demolished or now permanently closed.

Thereafter we visited Priesthill Community Halls, where volunteers like Flo Black are keeping the place running, with activities for the whole community, and then onto visit the Pollok Young Peoples Project, before meeting other community activists in the Wedge.

The main theme running through the whole day was how all these good projects and community organisations rely on short term funding, with many organisations and services being lost due to inadequate funding from Government and Council.

It is clear that Pollok needs real long term investment to strengthen our communities and help lift people out of poverty.

Over the next few weeks, I will be talking to people in the Constituency showing how only a vote for the SNP can achieve these goals.

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