Thursday, 26 April 2007


Another busy week on the campaign trail, visiting, Howford, Crookston, Priesthill, Cardonald, Deaconsbank, Jenny Lind,and Nitshill.

I also attended the STUC Black members hustings at STUC HQ this week, which I enjoyed. Questions ranged from Asylum and Immigration, Workplace rights and days of religious observance, lack of recreational facilities, and concerns over the Fascist BNP.

Thank you to those of you who are filling out my survey returns. These are showing that more and more people are switching their votes from New Labour to the SNP, many voting SNP for the first time.

New Labour's campaign of fear is not going down well on the doorsteps, and the positive message that Independence can transform Scotland and Pollok, as a better place to work and to live, is resulting in greater support than ever.

The main domestic issues which the survey returns show as most important are Council Tax, Education, Pensions, and the war in Iraq.

Keep New Labour on the run in Pollok. Only the SNP have a positive message, a message of hope over despair.

Public Opinion polls show the SNP can win here!

7 days to go before ITS TIME!

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